The kennel "YVES NADIZ" was officially registered in FCI-KSU in April 2001.
Its history began a bit earlier, when in our lifes finally appeared long waiting zwergschnauzer. Before this our favorite middle schnauzers lived in our house for ten years.
       So, on January 2000 our family entered extraordinary and radiant IRIS OT BARBATSUTSY.  Hereinafter Iriska had proved herself as an excellent show-dog and
procreate, but each moment contact with this dog is the largest gift of fate.
      Each our dog differs the bright
individuality, harmonious physique, splendid temper and intellect.
      The Persisting award and pride became the title of the JUNIOR WORLD WINNER(Dortmund-2003), received 
by son of Iriska on moniker YVES NADIZ AURIC . For the first time, black painted zwergschnauzer, which was born in Ukraine, had got so high title!
      Thank our zwergs that you are exist!
      We would always be pleased to communicate with the same
opinionated people!



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